
Best Single Sign-On

Customers can easily and securely sign in to multiple accounts with a single username and password, and the high level of security helps protect customer information.

Add Unlimited Projects and Increase Flexibility

  • Sign in to your app using popular social identity providers like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Microsoft.

  • Gives an extra layer of security to keep user information secure.

  • Provides secure authentication for websites and applications.

  • Enables manage multiple projects.

best single sign on

Single Login

Single login allows a user to use a single set of credentials to log into multiple applications. It saves the user time while also reducing the likelihood of password theft.

single login
multiple providers

Multiple Providers

Allows users to sign in to their applications via multiple service providers. Easy for users to access their applications, without having to remember multiple usernames and passwords.

secured login

Secured Login

This authentication system improves the security of the applications. Single Sign-On allows a user to be uniquely identified while also ensuring that the highest security standards are met. SSO provides encrypted data transmission across applications.

Find out more about Single Login

Easy Set-Up

Easy Set up SSO login in your application in minutes. Simply add the provided code snippet to your application by following the instructions.

easy set-up
easy implementation

Easy Implementation

Easy for developers to add authentication to their websites and apps. Simply copy and paste the code snippet into your application, following the instructions and you are all set.

minimal coding

Minimal Coding

Helps developers to add authentication to their web applications with minimal coding. It provides a simple powerful, API that makes it easy to authenticate users.

Find out more about Easy Set-Up

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data.

multi-factor authentication
two-step verification

Two-Step Verification

Two Factor Authentication platform adds an extra layer of security to the login process. Prevents unauthorized access to user accounts.

improved security

Improved Security

SSO reduces the likelihood of a password-related hack significantly. Designed to be more resistant to attack and to provide users with a higher level of security. Users only need to remember one password to access all of their applications.

Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication

Play Ground

Playground allows developers to create test accounts to experiment with the SSO API's various features and learn how to use them without affecting their live account.

play ground
init method

Init Method

The Init method in single sign-on is responsible for setting up the authentication process and initiating the authentication flow. Facilitates the Set-Up of a session and helps in creating the necessary objects required for authentication.

secured testing environment

Secured Testing Environment

A secure Testing Environment is an online environment that allows users to test their SSO security. Ensuring the privacy and security of your data. Designed to help developers collaborate more effectively and streamline the authentication process.

Find out more about Play Ground

Secure Login

Users can use their credentials to log in to web applications without having to remember various usernames and passwords. Unauthorized access is prevented using a secure login system with two-factor authentication.

secure login
secure authentication tokens

Secure Authentication Tokens

Secure authentication tokens are used to provide an extra layer of security for online accounts. Helps prevent unauthorized access to accounts.

two-factor authentication

Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a security feature that requires two pieces of information to log into a website or application by sending a one-time code to the user's phone. Helps to ensure the safety of user data.

integrated security

Integrated Security

Provides an easy way to add authentication to your web applications. Integrated security can be used to protect data, networks, and devices from unauthorized access and ensures that only authorized users can access data.

secure application access

Secure Application Access

Provides a complex authentication and authorization mechanism to ensure that only authorized users can access the data. Helps companies to protect their sensitive data.

Find out more about Secure Login

Easy Management

Easy Management allows developers to manage SSO access for multiple applications with a centralized user portal.

easy management
conditional access

Conditional Access

Allow developers to add authentication to their applications with ease. Users can sign in with two-factor authentication, or require to enter a specific security code before they can access the account.

simplified user experience

Simplified User Experience

Provides a simplified user experience when logging into websites. It provides a simple, user-friendly interface that makes it easy to authenticate users without having to write any code.

Find out more about Easy Management

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